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Additional volunteers are always needed during our Annual Conference to help us assure that our conference is a success!  Annual Conference volunteer positions require little to no time commitment outside of the conference. 

Session Host

During each session, the Session Host will:

  • Check with registration 30 minutes before the session to confirm that the speaker is present
  • Ensure that the room set up and AV requirements are as requested by the speaker
  • Notify registration desk (Administrative CAMI Staff and/or conference chairs) if and when there is a problem – room is too cold/hot, AV isn’t working or has problems, not enough chairs, etc.
  • Make the speaker feel comfortable, pass out handouts if needed, thank them at the end of the presentation and present with their thank you card
  • Introduce speaker if comfortable doing so.
  • Offer to keep time for the speaker (e.g. 10 minute warning)

Conference Photographer

Are you a photography enthusiast who's planning on attending the annual conference? Would you be willing to lend your skills to help NEDRA document our event? We would love to be able to have pictures of the conference for posterity - and also to share with those members who will not able to join us. Most of the pictures would be candid shots throughout the conference, with a few posed shots when our conference scholarships and Ann Castle Award are presented.

Registration Volunteer

Registration volunteers assist both mornings of the conference, providing help to check in conference attendees and distributing conference packets.



465 Waverly Oaks Road, Suite 421
Waltham, MA 02452

© 2021 New England Development Research Association


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