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2011 Ann Castle Award Recipient: Marianne Pelletier (Written by Helen Brown)


Many times these introductions start with a recitation of the individual’s pedigree in the field:  Harvard, Lesley, Southern New Hampshire, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell.  Not too shabby.


Also mentioned are usually the alphabet soup after the person’s name: MBA, CFRE.


But what I want to concentrate on is Marianne’s service.  Marianne served with me as a board member of NEDRA for six years, and most significantly as our treasurer.  She brought us out of an era of chewing gum and duct tape and put NEDRA’s finances in a format that an accountant could recognize.  Since I was president at the time, I was grateful for her MBA and annoyed that she wouldn’t always let me do what I wanted to do.  I’d say: “I want to pay a really great speaker to do the keynote at the NEDRA conference!” “No!”


She earned the title “Dr. No.”


But she’s also honest as the day is long – those of you who have been NEDRA members since Marianne was treasurer will remember the line item in the budget she reported on at the conference for two years running titled “I don’t know.”  She didn’t know where that $15.00 came from, but it had showed up on the accounts and by god she was going to report it.


Marianne harped, cajoled, threatened and encouraged us to find new and creative ways to increase membership and innovate programming, and by doing so helped create a foundation of financial strength for this organization.  I have always found her wise counsel invaluable and her friendship irreplaceable.


Marianne’s service to prospect research didn’t quit when she left New England.  She is retiring as the current president of the APRA Upstate New York chapter and, if she gets enough votes, will become an APRA board member this summer.


Marianne has devoted 23 years of her life to this cool profession, beginning with her time working for Ann Castle. 


I know that wherever Ann is right now, she’s looking down and smiling.  Please join me in congratulating the 2011 recipient of the NEDRA Ann Castle Award, Marianne Pelletier.


465 Waverly Oaks Road, Suite 421
Waltham, MA 02452

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