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Think Tank: Metrics in the Time of Corona

  • Thu, March 25, 2021
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Online
  • 1


Think Tank: Metrics In the Time of Corona

Thursday, March 25th, 2021

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM




Metrics: love them or hate them, they’re something we all grapple with. 


Perennial questions for research and frontline metrics include: what to count, who decides what is important, how to drive action, and who enforces them?


In this session, attendees will discuss these and other topics, particularly how the pandemic has required us to pivot in terms of what and how we measure performance.


Katie Macrina is Managing Director of Prospect Management and Research at Massachusetts General Hospital. In her role, she oversees the strategic direction of the team as it relates to prospect research, prospect management, data analytics, and HIPAA. In addition, Katie participates in cross-office initiatives, including the review and resetting of frontline metrics in 2019. Prior to MGH, Katie was a member of the prospect research and management teams at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Northeastern University, and Boston University. Katie received her BA in English from Saint Anselm College, and her MA in Nonprofit Leadership from Northeastern University.


Free for Members

$25 Non-Members

Are you a current or recently lapsed NEDRA member and want to attend this program for free? Apply for the need-based NEDRA Community Scholarship.


Attendees will receive a Zoom link a day before the event; this meeting will be held as a Zoom meeting and a recording will not be available.


Registration for this event closes on March 24th, 2021 at 9AM.


465 Waverly Oaks Road, Suite 421
Waltham, MA 02452

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